Hair Transplant

Hair transplant procedures can offer an incredible final result that gives you a natural hair appearance. They are an effective way to deal with hair thinning and hair loss, and they come with an abundance of benefits.

Reasons for Hair Loss

There are many methods developed to prevent hair loss. However, the most effective and satisfying solution among them is hair transplant when it is applied successfully.

  • The most common cause of hair loss is hereditary male or female pattern baldness. If you have a family history of baldness, you may have this type of hair loss.
  • Hormonal changes can cause temporary hair loss. Examples include; pregnancy, childbirth, menopause.
  • Medical conditions that can cause hair loss include; thyroids disease, alopecia areata (an autoimmune disease that attacks hair follicles), scalp infection like ringworm.
  • Hair loss can also be due to medications used to treat; Cancer, high blood pressure, arthritis, depression, heart problems.
  • A physical or emotional shock may trigger noticeable hair loss. Examples of this type of shock include; a death in the family, extreme weight loss, a high fever.
  • A diet lacking in protein, iron, and other nutrients can also lead to thinning hair.
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Who Can Have Hair Transplantation?

It is a common misconception that hair loss and baldness is a male-specific problem. But statistics reveal that regardless of gender, one out of four people struggle against hair loss at some point in their life.

There are many methods developed to prevent hair loss. However, the most effective and satisfying solution among them is a hair transplant.

A professional hair transplantation expert may examine the type, ratio, and possible causes of hair loss and decide whether the patient needs a hair transplantation operation. If the medical expert decides so, they will also determine which method appropriate for the patient. The hair transplantation operation may perform on anyone over the age of 22.

Operation Details


There are various methods and techniques for hair transplantation. However, recently three of them are in the highest demand.

In the FUE hair transplant method, the surgeon takes healthy and more durable hair follicles from the scalp parts where they grow. FUE is usually accomplished by punch incisions, which are made by a specifically manufactured needle. These follicles implants into holes that opened previously on the scalp in the areas losing or have lost hair.

An experienced and well-trained surgeon can be able to plant 4500-6000 follicles in this timespan. Then both areas are covered with bandage or gauze to help to heal and prevent any infection.

Depending on the patients’ hair quality, the areas’ size with the hair loss, and the desired density of follicles may require multiple sessions to achieve the planned results.


The most significant difference between DHI from the FUE method is the tools used for the operation. Instead of punches, “needles,” which are called Choi pen, are mainly used. Choi pens come in various sizes. The hair transplant surgeon decides on the pen’s width, which will be used according to the patient.

Choi pens enable a more precise extraction operation where the Choi pen penetrates the skin, collects the follicles, and leaves the skin with minimal disturbance in the surrounding area. Using them removes the risk of holes forming on the scalp, which is a possible disadvantageous effect in the FUE technique. Since the DHI least invasive method of hair transplantation so far, it does not leave scar marks regardless of its success.


Sapphire FUE is similar to the original FUE technique except for the blade that uses in the procedure. In the sapphire method, a sapphire blade is used to open channels on the scalp during the hair transplantation instead of a razor or steel one.

At the first stage of hair transplantation, follicles are extracted and transplanted into the channelized areas with the sapphire blades. Opening the channels is the most substantial part of the hair transplant procedure. Since it influences the density, angle, and direction of the hair growth due to the narrow opening of sapphire blades, the grafts can replace without contacting outside.


In the FUT hair transplant procedure, the surgeon first removes a strip of the patient’s scalp skin. After the removal of the part of the skin, the surgeon closes the incision with stitches. The incision itself and the possible scarring conceals under the patient’s hair.

The removed piece of scalp skin is separated into smaller parts using surgical knives. Then these are implanted into the other parts of the patient’s scalp, which are losing or have lost hair. It helps to achieve hair growth in previously bald areas that look and feel considerably natural after a full recovery.

Instead of this service, you can choose the most innovative technologies from above such as FUE, Sapphire and DHI transplant technology.


Operation Details
What is the price for a hair transplant operation?

The price can only determine after the medical consultation. The prices of the operations vary depending on the hair type and techniques for the intervention.

I want to get detailed information.

Does hair transplantation hurt?
Since hair transplantation is a procedure performed under local anesthesia, the patient does not feel pain.I want to get detailed information.
Will hair grow where the roots are retrieved?

Hair will not grow again in the area where the roots are retrieved. However, in the implanted region, roots get close to each other hence there is no visibility.

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Can a woman have a hair transplant operation?

Hair transplant performs on women as well as for men after some examinations to precise techniques. The reason is the operation is performed differently and depending on the hair type and shape.

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How long does hair transplantation last?

The transplanted hair follicles are firmly attached to the scalp within 10-15 days. After transplantation within six months, the hair will take its final look and condition.

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When does shock loss happen?

Shock loss generally occurs between 1-3 months after hair transplantation.

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When can I be able to shave my hair if I want to?

After hair transplantation, it is substantial to shorten the hair failing by cutting the hair in the first six months. But it is necessary to take care not to expose the hair follicles to knives or razors. It is recommended to shorten hair with scissors.

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Why consider having hair transplantation in Turkey?

Being one of the top destinations for medical tourism, Turkey has a booming, cost-effective, and high-end health and medical services industry. Completed with internationally accredited surgeons and experts with celebrity level reputations, a reliable infrastructure, and very affordable prices of Turkey health and medical services industry quickly offers very high-end services, high standards with very cost-competitive prices.

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