Eyebrow Lift

An eyebrow lifting is a cosmetic operation, focuses on reducing the visible signs of aging at the forehead.

Reasons for Eyebrow Lift

Since the forehead is one of the salient areas on the face, deformities and aging signs become even more easily noticeable in this area.

In time and by aging, muscles and skin get loose. Drooping creates an image of heavy, tired-looking eyebrows or angry-looking faces. Usually, it makes a person look older than they are, affects the upper eyelids, and pushes them downwards in most cases.

The following are some common reasons why you may want to consider a brow lift:

  • The outside of your brow sags’ causes a sad expression.
  • The central portion of your brow hangs down and make you look angry
  • You have frown lines between your eyes.
  • If you cannot apply makeup on the surface of the upper eyelid because of the obscured drooping tissues,
  • If you gently lift the skin above your eyebrow into a pleasant position and eliminates most of the excess skin on your upper eyelid, an eyebrow lift may be right for you.

Operation Details


As with all plastic surgeries, many techniques aim to accomplish the same result. Similarly, there are many techniques to lift the eyebrows too.


Chemical eyebrow lifting methods are amongst the least invasive ones. Some of the chemical methods do not require the brows or the forehead to be “lifted.” Instead, the surgeon takes advantage of fillers to fill underneath the expression wrinkles and flatten them up. This procedure creates a more stretched look in the forehead area with fewer lines, therefore achieving a lifted forehead, eyebrows, and a younger appearance.

Another method for chemical eyebrow lifting is the use of Botox. Botox is a popular method in such applications lately due to its minimally invasive demand, little downtime, and application ease. Botox applications usually do not require an expert surgeon. A well-trained and experienced medical professional can competently, successfully, and safely apply Botox.

Despite its popularity and ease of application, Botox is one of the least permanent solutions. The chemical in Botox gets metabolized and loses its effect for 3-6 months.


Coronal or classical eyebrow lifting is one of the most invasive eyebrows or forehead lifting techniques. In this method, the surgeon removes a piece of the forehead’s skin from ear to ear. Any excess tissue and fat are removed to obtain a more stretched look. If the surgeon deems it necessary, they can realign the muscles too. Then the surgeon attaches the lower part of the skin to the upper part. Since the excess skin is removed, a flatter and stretcher look is achieved after the operation.

The specific part of the skin that will be removed, the place of the incision, and such details may differ from surgeon to surgeon or patient to patient. Surgeons usually prefer to start the incision right below the hairline to prevent causing a change in the hairline and conceal the incision.


Endoscopic eyebrow lifting is also a surgical technique, but it’s much less invasive than coronal eyebrow lifting. In this method, instead of removing whole patches or strips of skin from the forehead area, surgeons access under the skin through much smaller incisions. Through one of these incisions, the surgeon inserts an endoscope. Surgical tools are inserted through separate incisions.

After accessing the muscle tissue under the skin, the surgeon pulls muscles or groups of muscles upwards and fixes the muscle tissue with strings or hook-like tools. Sometimes wire and mesh-like tools or implants are also used for the same purpose. However, the fundamentals of the operation are the same regardless of the specifics of the tools used.

Surgeons may prefer endoscopic eyebrows lifting because it’s less invasive, minimizing the risks of open surgery, and causes less downtime. Also, during an endoscopic eyebrow or forehead lifting process, the incisions are usually made above the hairline. Thus, even if scar tissue forms, the marks can be easily concealed under the hair.


Operation Details
How Can I Get a Brow Lift Without Surgery?

In this case, the only method seems to be a chemical brow lift. If the patient doesn’t want to undergo surgery but is willing to undergo an operation with minor incisions, then endoscopic brow lifting can be considered.

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Does Brow Lift Change Eye Shape?

Usually, a brow lift operation shouldn’t change the shape of the eyes.

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When Should I Have a Brow Lift?

Any healthy adult may have a brow lift operation.

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Does an Eyebrow Lift Operation Yield Permanent Results?

The result may change according to patients to patients. However, permanent results are rare for any cosmetic or plastic surgery. After a successful surgery, the results of most surgeries last for years.

The forehead is a very exposed part of the face. The skin is easily affected by the elements and external conditions like the sun, dry air, humidity, wind, etc. Sun exposure is known to affect the skin regarding wrinkles and elasticity. Therefore, it’s crucial to protect the operated area against these factors after the operation.

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Is a Brow Lift the same as a Forehead Lift?

Yes. Technically, brow lifting and forehead lifting are the same operations, and technically the eyebrows are just a part of the forehead. People choose or demand procedures according to their problems.

The surgery method may differ trivially according to the target area, but fundamentally the techniques are the same.

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Will I Have Visible Scars After Surgery?

The incisions that are created for the brow lift are hidden in the hairline. Depending on the thickness of the hair in the area will determine the visibility.

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Do I Feel Pain During A Brow Lift?

No matter the invasiveness of the preferred method, the operation is carried under local or general anesthesia. Therefore, the patient does not feel pain. Patients may feel some pain after the procedure, but they can be managed by pain medication most of the time.

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Why Consider Having Eyebrow Lifting Surgery in Turkey?

Being one of the top destinations for medical tourism, Turkey has a booming, cost-effective, and high-end health and medical services industry. Completed with internationally accredited surgeons and experts with celebrity level reputations, a reliable infrastructure, and very affordable prices of Turkey’s health and medical services industry quickly offers very high-end services, high standards with very cost-competitive prices.

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