Chin Beautification

Chin beautification, chin augmentation, or chin enhancement is a process that aims to change the form, shape, or structure of the chin cosmetically. A beautiful and prominent chin structure makes your face attractive. For this reason, Chin Beautification will be one of the most accurate operations you can choose for a proportional and beautiful face.

Why Should You Prefer Chin Beautification
  • The appearance of your chin can significantly affect your self-confidence and, accordingly, your role in social life. Factors such as a good and symmetrical chin appearance, comfort, and quality mouth closure are effective on your self-confidence.
  • If your chin is not proportional to the rest of your face in terms of bigness or smallness, Chin Beautification will solve it. Thanks to the operations performed, the size of your chin becomes proportional to your face.
  • Maybe your chin is asymmetrical, pointed, overly prominent or receding. These problems can be solved by this operation.
  • The lack of a proper closure of your jaw and problems in your jaw bones can cause health problems and discomforts such as dry mouth, mouth opening, gum diseases and bad breath. Jaw operation will increase your quality of life in this sense.

Operation Methods


Chin beautification process may vary significantly while all the techniques are under two categories.

Fillers can be either synthetic or originating from the patient’s own body. The operations depending mainly on fillers’ use are usually the least invasive and shortest ones since the surgery usually involves injecting a filling material under the skin on specific spots on the patient’s face under local anesthesia and often nothing else. In most cases, the patient can walk away and return to their daily life after a couple of hours.

Not all chin augmentation operations are as non-invasive or casual as filler injecting procedures, however. Some cases require a more invasive procedure, and the patient will need more time to recover. But if the operation doesn’t include osteotomy, such operations are still relatively easy and can be considered quick.

Implants & Transplants

The materials have to be chosen delicately to ease the possible infection or reduce the effects which may trigger an immune response in the body. Both may lead to the rejection of the implant and failure of the operation. Transplants may include cartilage or fat tissue taken from the patient’s own body.

In some cases, the plastic surgeon or specialist may avoid the osteotomy or surgery process. By making use of the proportions of the other elements of the face and the basic human perception, instead of reducing the mass from the chin, it is possible to create the perception that the chin is getting smaller by adding mass to certain points of the chin. This method is preferred in cases where the patient does not want to have surgery or the surgery is more risky for that patient for some reason.

Chin Reduction

Chin reduction operations are usually more invasive than other procedures due to the osteotomy involvements. It includes sawing, trimming, or filing down certain parts of the jawbone. Therefore, the recovery time and risks after such operations are also higher.

Applying an osteotomy may be avoided by the surgeon in some cases. Creating the perception of the reduced chin can be achieved by filler, transplants, or implant use.


Operation Details
How to Determine the Most Suitable Chin?

Many factors should be evaluated for a suitable chin structure. Such as;
-The ratio of the chin and nose,
-Lower-upper lip structure,
-Lower-upper jaw dimensions and proportions,
-Chin and facial symmetry.
An experienced specialist or surgeon will evaluate all these factors and determine how the most appropriate, aesthetically most qualified chin structure should be and decide which intervention should be done.

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Does Speech Disorder Occur After Chin Beautification Surgery?

A speech disorder is not expected after any successful chin aesthetic surgery.

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Is Chin Beautification Surgery Painful?

The patient does not feel anything during the operation since all interventions are performed under local or full anesthesia. If pain is felt after the surgery, it is possible to intervene with painkillers.

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Does Chin Beautification Surgery is Risky for Using Metal Screws?

Everything added to the body and tissues has the possibility of triggering an immune response or infection. However, these screws and every material used in these operations are made from materials that are least likely to react to the body.

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For Males, Does a Chin Implant Affect Shaving?

Not really. First 3 days, the incisions are covered with the dressing. Men can shave around the incisions until the dressing comes off. Then they can shave their entire face with an edged blade. Usage of electric razor after 10 days is better.

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Do I Need Any Special Prescriptions Before Surgery?

Most patients do not need any special prescriptions before surgery. Please let us know of any medical concerns you may have.

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How Long Does the Chin Beautification Surgery?

Although the total time varies depending on the surgery’s details which will be performed, the operation takes about 1-2 hours.

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Why Consider Having Chin Beautification Operation in Turkey?

Being one of the top destinations for medical tourism, Turkey has a booming, cost-effective, and high-end health and medical services industry. Completed with internationally accredited surgeons and experts with celebrity level reputations, a reliable infrastructure, and very affordable prices of Turkey’s health and medical services industry quickly offers very high-end services, high standards with very cost-competitive prices.

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